Stay safer with parts that last longer.

Our zinc corrosion resistance coating solutions meet the highest standards to keep automotive parts in peak condition for more than 15 years in even the most extreme conditions like gravel, sand, and road salt.

Zinc Nickel Plated Parts

Zinc Plating

Your steel and iron parts need to last, even in mildly corrosive environments. Zinc plating prevents rust, corrosion, and moisture damage with a bright, attractive, durable coating trusted by the automotive industry for over 100 years.

Nickel nickel plated parts

Zinc Nickel Plating

The plating standard in the auto-industry, zinc nickel has replaced cadmium to prevent corrosion in harsh environments. Plus, it can be formulated to meet a range of corrosion-resistant specifications in not only the auto industry, but also the electronic, aerospace, and defense industries.

Parts plated in black zinc nickel

Zinc Iron Plating

Protect your parts with Zinc iron—a cost-effective, earth-conscious, and attractive finish to extend the corrosion prevention of any part.